Archive | January, 2012

Photoshop Tutorials

27 Jan

Below are my completed tutorials:

I’ve learned a lot through these tutorials.  Even though I was hesitant about sitting in front of my computer for an hour-and-a-half, it was a worth-while experience.  I might even play around with some of my own pictures!  Oh, and the best part is I can now include, dabbled in Photoshop on my resume.  Watch out real world here I come!

Draft of my Graphic Collage

26 Jan

Vacation Station

Life Without my boyfriend…

Above is a collage depicting my summer vacation with my boyfriend, Reilly.  My family went to the Oregon Coast and Reilly came along.  It was Fourth of July weekend and I was excited to spend quality time with the wonderful people in my life.

Although, we both had a good time our short-lived relationship took a turn for the worst during the last day.  I proclaimed after three months I was getting a little nervous and wanted to take a break.  Big mistake.   My sister caught ‘the talk’ on camera; the picture that creates the bottom border is when we were discussing how things were going to go.

After being apart for a few months we decided to get back together, but this didn’t happen without arguing.  I regret the decision I made on the Oregon Coast but it did prepare me for decisions I have to make in the far-too-near future.

As you may remember I’m preparing for life after graduation and it’s not just a job I’m losing sleep over.  I’m worried my relationship isn’t going to last if we are separated geographically…

I’ve applied to an internship program in London and Reilly is staying in Pullman, Wash., for another semester.  Since we’ve been dating for almost a year now I’m more confident in our relationship than I was after three months.  But that doesn’t change the fact we broke up the only time we were apart.  Will this happen again?

For now, I know I just need to appreciate the last semester of my senior year at Washington State University.  Lately, I’ve actually started to get excited about life after graduation.

Photo Collection

24 Jan

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Life After Graduation

14 Jan

This blog is essentially about me, and the place I’ve found myself in life.  Since I’m about to graduate from Washington State University in Pullman, Wash., I wanted to share the good, the bad and the wonderful experiences.

My story begins with a description ‘About Me’…

My name is Heather Wilson and I’m an overwhelmed-underpaid college student. This being said, I’ll explain in a bit more in detail to help you understand me more completely.

I’m an undergraduate student at Washington State University in Pullman, Wash., studying communication. My specific interest is in public relations, which is my emphasis. Originally I came to study drama. That fell flat when the department was cut from the university, that’s when I became a communication major, with a minor in drama.

Now, you might be asking yourself, “How does she pay for this wonderful education?” Well, that’s a good question. With three sisters at home I didn’t expect my single father to contribute too much to my education. I paved my own way. The second semester of my freshman year I became a resident assistant (RA). This occupation paid room and board, and with the help of student loans I was doing alright. But by my sophomore year I was shopping around for other ways to finance my life choice to go to college. I applied for an interdepartmental promotion and became, drum roll please, an assistant hall director (AHD) at WSU. I received a stipend and was lessening my student loan debt.

As we all know this couldn’t pay for it all, so in the summers I worked where I could. One year as a summer RA, another I spent working back at my old high school gig, as a car hop for Sonic Drive-In. This last summer I landed the most fruitful job yet being an orientation counselor for the university. I welcomed new students and was able to stay in Pullman for the whole summer.

But experience trumps money, or at least that’s what everyone says about the job market these days. I thought it due time to search for an internship. For my senior year I was hired as a marketing intern for the marketing department for University Recreation at WSU! I receive credit and am paid for my work.

My senior year of college proves to be a crazy ride, but it’s nothing a spunky women like me can’t handle! There’s just one thing I’m worried about, LIFE AFTER GRADUATION!