Archive | February, 2012

Draft of Kaleidoscope Logo

14 Feb

My First Logo

                Creating my first logo in Illustrator wasn’t as challenging as I anticipated, although it might just be cool to me.  Once I decided on a topic it became much easier because I was inspired.

                I chose to make a logo for a group project I’m working on in my PR 412 class.  The class project extends through the whole semester and as a group we come up with an agency name.  Our name is Kaleidoscope.  Our name inspired me to create a logo with round shapes to create a view similar to what you see when you look into a toy kaleidoscope.  I also wanted to use primary colors to evoke a simplistic, yet promising feeling upon looking at the logo.  I used a green, orange and purple as well because those are the colors created by primary colors.  I did this to show creation and the sense of building upon what you have to create wonderful pieces of work.  I put an ellipse shape over the whole logo and then added a radial fill to create a sense that all of the shapes belong together.   Without this last touch I felt there was something missing.

                One thing I can’t decide is if I should add the word ‘Kaleidoscope’ in the logo.  I don’t think that’s what a logo is used for though and I don’t want to overdo my logo, any thoughts?  I was also wondering if I should just use primary colors and cut out the green, orange and purple.  Other than that I’m happy with the logo I created for my group.  I just hope they like it too!

                As for how this applies to my life after graduation, well if I don’t graduate then I won’t receive a diploma.  So, the more effort I put into my classes the more likely I’ll graduate.  I also made this silly goal of getting a 4.0 GPA my last semester at WSU.  I don’t think this is too possible, but the higher the goal the more likely you’ll get a better GPA!  I’ll let you know if it happens…

Final Graphic Collage

3 Feb

Vacation Station

Life Without my Boyfriend…

My first try at Photoshop was, to be honest, a little dull.  I had inkling I was being too safe but I didn’t want my first attempt to be atrocious.  The comments really brought to light the fixes I needed to make to create a piece of work I’m proud to present.

My collage still has the same theme, especially since I’ve included all the same pictures.  My boyfriend Reilly and I spent the Fourth of July weekend with my family at the Oregon Coast.  It was a wonderful vacation but, as I mentioned in my earlier post, the whole time wasn’t spent smiling at each other.  We’re happy with our relationship now, but I’m worried something similar might happen when I graduate in May.  For that reason, these pictures are a perfect representation of how I’m feeling today; reminiscent.

As for the finished product, I’m happier with my second try.  I listened to the comments and spiced it up a bit!  Briehle mentioned that using black and white photos would add more to the overall look, which I decided to try.  I think changing the pictures to black and white made a wonderful contrast with the colorful background.  Another suggestion made by Briehle was to add a border.  By doing that I think the collage looks put together, as if it was always a collage.  To finish the collage I proceeded to include a location and year so always know what the collage represents.

Other changes I made had to do with size and placement of the pictures.  I also used an exhilarating tool to create a cracked look on the background layer.  I believe this added a more artistic feel for the background since I still had three pictures to use to create the collage.

I appreciated the comments from Kelsey, Matt, Cwolken and Briehle for the kudos on my picture choices.  The real kudos goes to my little sister, Samantha.  During our vacation she caught EVERY detail of the trip on camera, at some points it was a little invasive but it’s nice to have these memories captured for future enjoyment.